Important Dates
Grading Policy
Assessment FOR Learning
Assessment FOR learning is more commonly known as formative & diagnostic assessments. Assessment FOR learning is the use of a task or an activity for the purpose of determining student progress during a unit or block of instruction. Teachers are now afforded the chance to adjust classroom instruction based upon the needs of the students. Similarly, students are provided valuable feedback on their own learning.
Common Assessment for Writing (Hochman)
Final Performance Tasks per unit of study
Assessment AS Learning
Assessment AS learning is the use of a task or an activity to allow students the opportunity to use assessment to further their own learning. Self and peer assessments allow students to reflect on their own learning and identify areas of strength and need. These tasks offer students the chance to set their own personal goals and advocate for their own learning.
Self-Assessments for Students
Assessment OF Learning
Assessment OF learning measures the students’ achievement in relation to a clearly defined set of standards. These assessments are given after learning is supposed to occur. They are used to report to the community the academic proficiency of students in both the community and the state. These are often known as summative assessments.